Empower, embrace, and connect the Hispanic community

Being the only non-profit where a Spanish speaker always answers the phone lends us the unique ability to connect our families to the broader community, while we work to increase English language literacy and equity in Transylvania County.

Even while our building was under extensive renovation, we were able to continue our mission and uplift families who call us.

Impoverished Population is Hispanic
Students are English Language Learning
  • El Centro began in the early 2000's when a group of community members came together to recognize the value of Hispanic Americans to our community
  • El Centro is a Latino-led nonprofit that serves the Hispanic community and connects them to resources
  • El Centro has been the only primarily Hispanic serving organization in Transylvania county for its entire existence

Find out more & Get Involved

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Let us work together to make a difference

Are you interested in collaborating or accessing the Hispanic community in Transylvania county?
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Afterschool Academic
Assistance Program

Each Monday and Wednesday, 15 students come to El Centro to supplement their English Language Learning. Every student saw significant improvements from Fall to Spring during the Academic Year.

The more tutors we sign up, the more students we can take on.
Student Capacity
Tutor Capacity
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Hispanic Community
in Transylvania County
Reach Out

Lets Create Something
Great Together!